Free Resource
5 screen time practices
for Families | Summer Edition
When it comes to family use of technology, I want to nudge our family, and yours, towards creation and connection and away from consumption. I hope these practices are not a matter of constraint but of freeing us up to enjoy each other, enjoy the sunshine, enjoy moving our bodies and learning and reading, and to enjoy summer!
Download this resource, which includes a one-page printable summary of these 5 practices.
And I have additional resources for you available here!

Small Talk
Available in Paperback, Kindle, and Audiobook
Small Talk reveals how talking with our children about the most important things in life actually ends up growing us up just as much, if not more, than them.
Gabe and Rebekah LyonsCofounders of Q Ideas and authors of The Next Christians and Rhythms of Rest, respectively
Rich, liberating words for parents who need to know they aren't alone...
Ann VoskampAuthor of The Broken Way
Becker’s Small Talk offers spiritual lessons without being simplistic. In fact, what I might like best about the book is the insistent need to defend the holy beauty of materiality and the idea that we can find God in the kitchen as well as the cloister. Becker does this, not by waxing eloquent for pages about ethereal ideas, but by embedding theological truth in the sights and sounds of the everyday.
Jen Pollock Michel,Englewood Review of Books
Small Talk is a gift to parents who long to connect with their children about the joys and everyday rituals that sustain us, as well as about the griefs that capsize our hearts. . . . Thoughtful, wise, and engaging, Becker’s work inspires me to live with intention and keep alert to the presence of God. Highly recommended.
Jennifer GrantAuthor of Maybe I Can Love My Neighbor Too