blue graphic with a quote bubble and text inside that says: There is something fundamentally human about disability.

Humanity, Belonging, and “An Ordinary Future”

Penny’s school reached out months ago to make sure they could special order both a robe and a cap that would fit her well—an example of belonging.

How do we create belonging?

“There is something fundamentally human about disability.”

I love these words that Tom Pearson wrote in his new book, An Ordinary Future. When we understand disability, when we understand…

💙that we all are limited and gifted,

💛that we all are both beloved and broken,

💙that we all have vulnerabilities and needs,

💛that we all have capabilities and ways to contribute,

💙that we all have possibilities and ways to connect…

When we understand our humanity in terms of disability, we also understand one another and ourselves, and we come one step closer to creating a world of belonging.💛

(Check back tomorrow. Penny will share her own reflections on her graduation day!)

[image description: Penny pauses on stage and looks at the camera after receiving her diploma. She is wearing a graduation cap and gown.]


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