distant winter sky and trees framed by cedar branches and bare tree branches
Image by Amber Beery

God’s Boundless Love

Wider than my arms can reach.

Those are the words I used to say to our kids to describe how big our love was for them. Expansive. Abundant. Never-ending and never-giving-up.

And I have heard people talk about God’s love in the same terms. Sally Lloyd Jones’ Jesus Storybook Bible (which I love) describes it this way: God’s “Never Stopping, Never Giving Up, Unbreaking, Always and Forever Love.”

And I kind of knew all of that was from the Bible, but then I was reading Psalm 103 the other morning, and I came across these words:

“For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is God’s love…” (v 11)

In other words, God’s love is larger than space.

And then,

from everlasting to everlasting is the Lord’s love…” (v 17)

God’s love is longer than time.

Larger than space and longer than time. Abundant, expansive, beyond our wildest hopes and never-ending. This is the God who created us and sees us and knows us and comes to live among us and always, everywhere, loves and loves and loves us again.

More with Amy Julia:

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