Community-Wide Discussion: Racism and Privilege
Turning toward Love in a World Divided by Privilege
In the midst of social divisions and unrest across the nation, how can we take slow but persistent steps towards hope and healing? What is privilege? What is it not? How is racism related to privilege? In the wake of George Floyd’s death and increased attention to racial and social disparities, how do these disparities harm all of us? And how can we learn, listen, lament, and love one another as we better understand our history and work towards a different future?
I’m going to be talking with the Washington Council of Congregations about White Picket Fences and all of these topics at 6-7:30pm on July 9th via Zoom. I’m sorry it won’t work for us to meet in person, but the good news is this local gathering has become a virtual one, so you are all invited to join! I’ll speak for about 45 minutes and then take questions from the audience.
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