Katherine Wolf and Penny give each other a hug. They are both wearing Hope Heals Camp t-shirts

Supporting Penny’s Goals

I used to be afraid to set goals for our daughter Penny, who has Down syndrome. It felt like if we didn’t meet those goals, we would be passing judgment on her or on ourselves or on the team of people supporting her.

Penny is 18 now. We set goals together all the time, and we want to support her in achieving them. Penny’s not going to meet all of the goals that she sets—neither am I—but part of believing in her and respecting her includes supporting her goals.

Penny’s presence in this world matters. She is valuable in and of herself, and the ways she can contribute to the world brings value to others.

I used to be afraid to set goals because I was afraid we would be disappointed. Now, we can set goals and work towards them because we can imagine a good future for our daughter.

That’s why I’ve created a workshop called Reimagining Family Life with Disability. I’d love to invite you to be a part of that, especially if you want to be able to move towards a good future for yourself and for your family.

“I have felt discouraged and stuck, and the invitation to “Reimagine” seemed like a lifeline—hope that a new perspective for our family was possible. I definitely received that and more!”

-Workshop Participant

photo of young adults with disabilities laughing together and text overlay that says: “I have felt discouraged and stuck, and the invitation to "Reimagine" seemed like a lifeline—hope that a new perspective for our family was possible. I definitely received that and more!”


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