Peter and Amy Julia stand outside in front of green trees and bushes. They smile at the camera with their arms around each other

25 Years of Marriage

Twenty-five years ago today, Peter and I stood in a big white church in front of over 200 people. We vowed to have and to hold one another, to love and to cherish one another, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health.

The internet is not the place to offer details of how that has worked itself out over the decades. It is simply a place to acknowledge that we needed all of it.

We needed the acknowledgement from the start that there would be times marked by sickness, and times we would see the worst of each other, and times where we would feel empty and helpless and impoverished.

And the acknowledgement that there is always more to the story than the worst of us. That we also get to know and celebrate the best of each other. That there are times of health and wholeness and delight. That we don’t just have each other, we hold each other. That we don’t just love each other, we cherish one another.

I am so grateful that I have been given the gift of this marriage, and this husband, in all the brokenness and beauty of this life together.

Peter and Amy Julia stand outside in front of green trees and bushes. They smile at the camera with their arms around each other


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