Is Stronger
Than Fear
Season 5
Season 5 | How do we pursue hope and healing in the midst of personal and social brokenness? For this season of the Love is Stronger than Fear podcast, you can look forward to hearing from authors and practitioners about faith and healing, disability and healing, self-care and healing, and how we can begin to repair our social fabric.
Latest Episodes, Shownotes, Transcripts, and More

S5 E22 | Disability and the Speed of Love with Dr. John Swinton
How do we create communities where friendship is a possibility among people of differing abilities? Dr. John Swinton, theologian and author, talks with Amy

S5 E21 | Becoming a Race-Wise Family with Helen Lee
How do we raise children who will stand against racial injustice? Helen Lee, co-author of The Race-Wise Family, and Amy Julia Becker discuss why it’s

S5 E20 | Disability Belongs in Church with Dr. Amy Kenny
While Jesus welcomed the disabled, the poor, and the outcast, Christian communities are often spaces of exclusion. Dr. Amy Kenny is a disabled scholar, a

S5 E19 | Resting in a Restless World with Kate Rademacher
What does rest in a restless world look like? Kate Rademacher, public health expert and author of Reclaiming Rest, talks with Amy Julia Becker about

S5 E18 | Living as a Person in a Technological World with Andy Crouch
How do we reclaim personhood and relationships in a technological world? Andy Crouch, author of The Life We’re Looking For, talks with me about technology

S5 E17 | The Role and the Limits of Medicine with Dr. Matthew Loftus
When we need healing, is medicine the only solution? Dr. Matthew Loftus talks with Amy Julia Becker about both the limits and the role

S5 E16 | How to Cultivate Contentment with Niro Feliciano
In a society that pursues happiness at all costs, how do we cultivate contentment? Niro Feliciano, psychotherapist and author of This Book Won’t Make You

S5 E15 | To Be Made Well Conversation with Katherine Wolf, David Bailey, and Amy Julia
What if I feel disappointed with God? Does grief play a role in healing? Is racial reconciliation a work of healing? Katherine Wolf

S5 Bonus | To Be Made Well Excerpt
For anyone struggling with pain or loss, for anyone concerned about the things that divide us, this episode—this book— is for you. It’s launch day

S5 E14 | The Beauty and Wounding of This Here Flesh with Cole Arthur Riley
The effects of trauma often surface in our embodied existence. What about hope? Cole Arthur Riley, author of This Here Flesh and creator of Black

S5 E13 | Practically Divine and the Presence of Love with Becca Stevens
In a world of pain, can one person—one action—make a difference? Becca Stevens, author of Practically Divine, talks with Amy Julia Becker about the healing

S5 E12 | Racism: Can Learning History Bring Healing? with Lisa Sharon Harper
Learning the history of enslavement and racism illuminates the path to repentance and repair. Lisa Sharon Harper, leading faith and race activist and author

S5 E11 | Breaking Ground: Renewal in a Pandemic Year with Anne Snyder
In a society reeling from the pandemic and the aftermath of George Floyd’s murder, is it possible to create something new for our world? Anne

S5 E10 | How Kids Can Fight Racism with Dr. Jemar Tisby
Can our children really make a difference in the fight against racism? Dr. Jemar Tisby, author of How to Fight Racism Young Reader’s Edition, talks

S5 E9 | Returning to Dear White Peacemakers with Osheta Moore
As we near the end of 2021, I’m returning to one of the most listened to (and possibly most appreciated) episodes from this past year—my

S5 E8 | What Disability Teaches Us About Health and Wholeness with Dr. Brian Brock
What does it mean to be healthy? Can people with disabilities be healthier than typical people? What does it mean to be healed by God?

S5 E7 | How the Indigenous New Testament Helps Us All with Terry Wildman
“In some ways we judge the story by the storyteller.” Colonialism corrupted the beautiful message of the Gospel when it forced Christianity on Indigenous people.

S5 E6 | Black Jesus, White Spaces, and Sacred Beauty with Danté Stewart
Black literature powerfully expands our theological imaginations. Danté Stewart, writer, speaker, and author of Shoutin’ in the Fire, talks with Amy Julia Becker about literature,

S5 E5 | The Enneagram: A Tool for Healing with Suzanne Stabile
In a society filled with disconnect and division, how can the Enneagram guide us toward compassionate living within our communities? Suzanne Stabile, teacher and author

S5 E4 | What’s So Controversial About Critical Race Theory? with David Bailey
We’ve heard the rhetoric that demonizes Critical Race Theory. But should citizens of the Kingdom of God have a different response? David Bailey, executive director

S5 E3 | The Spaciousness of Limits with Ashley Hales
A life without limits is part of the American dream. But what if living within limits is the key to a spacious life? What

S5 E2 | God Has Something to Say About Privilege with Dominique Gilliard
What is privilege? How can we leverage it to proclaim God’s love to the world and create communities that flourish? Dominique DuBois Gilliard, the author

S5 E1 | How Disability Taught Me the Goodness of Vulnerability with Heather Lanier
What is a meaningful life? Does thinking about disability change your answer? Heather Lanier, author of Raising a Rare Girl, talks with Amy Julia about

Introducing Season 5 of Love Is Stronger Than Fear
It’s been a rough year. Protests, political division, a global pandemic. And our bodies ache. Our friendships feel strained. We’ve had too much to drink.