graphic with two photos, one of LeBron James playing basketball and one of Eric Liddell running

LeBron James: “Being a Winner Is a Curse”

I couldn’t help but feel sad when LeBron James said in an ad for the Olympics that “being a winner is a curse.” He says it doesn’t matter whether you’ve won before, you are only a winner if you keep on winning. 

He made me think of another Olympic athlete, from a century ago, Eric Liddell. Liddell said he didn’t compete in the Olympics in order to win. He didn’t compete in order to prove himself or convince someone else that his life mattered. He ran, Liddell said, because when he ran he could feel God’s pleasure.

LeBron James is inviting us to an impossible way of being where we are never enough.

Eric Liddell is inviting us to a way of blessing and abundance where discovering who we are and offering ourselves in love and delight to the world is more than enough. That’s how I want to live.

screenshot of LeBron James playing basketball in Olympics ad with text overlay that says "being a winner is a curse;" a circle-framed, black and white photo of Eric Liddell is in the bottom left corner


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