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5 Ways to Experience God's Love and Practice Peace
What a difference it makes when we pay attention to love instead of fear. I’m particularly aware of the peace and strength I experience when I pay attention to the love of God. Still, love can seem very abstract, so I want to share five practical steps you can take to experience God’s love in your own life. Receiving God’s love fills you with a well spring of life so you are able to participate in sharing that love in the world around you.
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To Be Made Well
To Be Made Well—which may be my favorite book yet by Amy Julia—is as personal as it is universal. This is a guidebook full of hard-earned insight. This is a trail blazed through the wilderness.
Katherine Wolfauthor and founder of HOPE HEALS
We live in a fractured world with bodies that bear on and in them the brokenness of living. This is a book about how we see Jesus, how he sees us, and how his love heals us just a little bit more each day.
Lore Ferguson Wilbertauthor of A Curious Life and Handle With Care
Amy Julia masterfully explores the complex and sensitive topic of healing in a vulnerable, sobering, and comprehensive way. This book will better equip you both for your journey in the healing process and to be an agent of healing.
David M. BaileyFounder of Arrabon and Co-Author of A People, A Place, and A Just Society
With vulnerability, wisdom, and grace, Amy Julia guides us towards seeking and understanding what it really means to be made well. I hope everyone reads this book.”
Heather AvisNew York Times Best Selling Author
In an age marked by division, Amy Julia has a word of hope: Jesus can make us whole and well. What that holistic healing looks like and how we can participate in it is the creative gift offered in these pages.
David SwansonPastor, New Community Covenant Church; CEO, New Community Outreach
Amy Julia Becker turns the stories of the bleeding woman and Jairus’s daughter over like a prism and sheds light on our personal, spiritual, and communal longings to be whole. [It is an] invitation to participate in God’s...work of healing.
Liuan Huskaauthor of Hurting Yet Whole
Amy Julia Becker is one of the best practical theologians writing today. Her books are poignant, personal, and deeply profound, and To Be Made Well is no exception.
Sharon Hodde Millerauthor of Free of Me
Timely, practical, and full of hope, To Be Made Well is a beautiful offering for our current weary, splintered, and hurting world. These pages hold timeless lessons and helpful application. Highly recommend!
Vivian Mabuniauthor of Open Hands, Willing Heart