Penny and Amy Julia are walking hand in hand outdoors on a sunny day. Amy Julia is looking down at Penny and smiling warmly as they share a moment. They are walking along a dirt path with green grass and tall plants in the background, under a clear blue sky
Photo by Cloe Poisson

Down Syndrome Awareness Month 2024

Today is the beginning of Down Syndrome Awareness Month.

In a world of distraction, I’m thinking about what happens when we pay attention to the beauty and hardship and possibility and struggle embodied in the global population of people with Down syndrome.

I’ve paid attention to our daughter with Down syndrome for 18 years now. Little did I know how much she would shape the way I see myself, see others, and see the world. Little did I know how much she would invite me not only to see differently, but to be in this world differently. To move from treating relationships as transactions to receiving them as gifts. To move from individualism to community. From jealousy and judgment to compassion and celebration. From proving myself to being myself. From using others to caring for others.

Down Syndrome Awareness Month might sound like a marketing gimmick. It’s really an invitation to reorient our lives around love.

Penny and Amy Julia are walking hand in hand outdoors on a sunny day. Amy Julia is looking down at Penny and smiling warmly as they share a moment. They are walking along a dirt path with green grass and tall plants in the background, under a clear blue sky
Photo by Cloe Poisson


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