Penny sits in a chair by a window. She is talking to Amy Julia about her first weeks of college.

Penny’s First Year of College Three Weeks In

After three weeks of college, here’s how Penny thinks it’s going (scroll down for her video)!

How was your first week of college?!?

The first week of college was both inspiring and hard to figure out where to go on campus.

Can you describe two different feelings you had this week and describe the situation where those feelings came up?

My first week of college I was feeling excited because the classes are helping me achieve my first semester goal. I also was feeling confused on where some of the classes would take place.

What does a typical day look like for you?

Van picks me up around 7:30
Meet In Skye’s room around 8
Head to breakfast
Either head back to Skye’s room or to first class

Can you describe Post’s campus?

Post’s campus Is more spread out than Shepaug.
You also sometimes have to transfer to different buildings
Post campus has beautiful greenery and seems to love nature
The classrooms are not small but not large

What was the most challenging part of your week?

Trying to locate the different classes In the different buildings.

What was the easiest part of your week?

Everywhere I looked I saw a familiar face.

Have you met any people who you think would be potential friends?

So far, yes

What are you looking forward to next week?

I am looking forward to choosing a topic for my APA assignment.

What was the best part of this week? How about the worst?

The best part of the first week has to be getting two assignments done and submitted. IDK about the worst.

Did you learn anything about yourself this week?

I have learned that I want to study Communications and my Communications class has made that goal easier to accomplish.

What are you looking forward to this semester?

This semester I am looking forward to setting some new goals for myself academically.

What are you looking forward to in the future?

In the future I am looking forward to living with friends.


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